
Marc Ramis Castellfort

Lucas Martínez Clar

He has promoted the development and international expansion of leading Spanish brands in their respective areas and impulsed venture capital activity in the area of innovation. Currently he is advisor to several organizations. Previously he was advisor to, among other, Carrera y Carrera, Joint General Director of the luxury division at Lladró, Associate at Mckinsey & Co, and engineer at BP. MBA by the RSM of Erasmus Universiteit in Rotterdam and Industrial Engineering Specialist in energetic techniques by the Universidad Politécnica de València. He was born in 1967, he is married with f… (más)

Josep Carles Bayarri

Specialist in training actions in the office environment and in technological renewal plans. He is a professor and member of the Claustro of the Lluís Vives Business School in València. He designs and teaches Advanced Excel courses and the subject "Information Systems" for the MBA in the School. He also teaches the subject "Strategic Control and Information Systems" for the MBA-Management and Business Management of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Valencia (Department of Business Management Juan José Renau). He is a Systems and Training consultant at B81 Consultors. He develope… (más)

José Rodríguez Pineda

José (1965) is married and has a son. He speaks Spanish and English. He is currently CEO of El Caballo, and advisor to several family businesses and consulting firms. He has developed a large part of his professional activity in the fashion and accessories sector with extensive international experience. Regular speaker and professor at IE in Madrid, University of Seville - Faculty of Economics-, EOI and other Institutions on retail distribution and management and family business management. Law degree from the University of Seville and full time MBA in 1991 from the Instituto de Empresa de Ma… (más)

Pedro Fluxá Brú

Management of restructuring, management and business organization projects. Diagnosis of the business situation, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the companies. Identification of improvements and problems. Restructuring and implementation of the application of the methods and measures necessary to carry out organizational improvements, managing processes, logistics chains, innovation and continuous improvement, establishing doctrines and habits for their operation. Subsequent verification of the organizational improvements implemented. Deep knowledge of the agricultural, real estate a… (más)